Westwood Highlands Neighborhood (94127) (4p)
Westwood Highlands is the neighborhood south of Casitas and Landsdale, north of Monterey Blvd., east of Yerba Buena and Casitas, and west of Sherwood, Melrose and Ridgewood. This neighborhood has many English Tudor style homes. This is a quiet hilly neighborhood with a lot of winding streets. It is also a good neighborhood for raising a family. It is close to Mt. Davidson and does get foggy.
Westwood Highlands' Walk Score 73 in 2012
Additional Westwood Highlands Neighborhood and Blog Information from StreetAdvisor. No ranking was given in 2012
Westwood Highlands NabeWise Schools and Stats
Westwood Highlands San Francisco Demographic Neighborhood Statistical Information from the 2009 Census
Westwood Highlands' Walk Score 73 in 2012
Additional Westwood Highlands Neighborhood and Blog Information from StreetAdvisor. No ranking was given in 2012
Westwood Highlands NabeWise Schools and Stats
Westwood Highlands San Francisco Demographic Neighborhood Statistical Information from the 2009 Census