SFO RELO is your resource for all your San Francisco relocation needs (BETA)
This site provides a lot of information that will assist you with your relocation needs for moving to the great city of San Francisco.
Currently our site has a variety of information covering San Francisco's activities, neighborhoods, school system, liquefaction/earthquake zones, walk scores, demographics, etc. The Neighborhoods page is probably the best page to start at as you can select a neighborhood and see an overview of the neighborhood, the restaurants, demographics, parks, activities, schools, religious organizations, places of interest and reviews of each within that neighborhood. This site is still in BETA stage and so not all the information may be up to date or complete at this point, but you can see where we are going and can get a feel for all that this site will offer. Note all the Nabewise Links are currently linking to Airbnb after a recent acquisition. I am not sure if this is temporary or permanent but for now the Nabewise School and Stat links are not working. Thank you for your patience. |
If you have any questions regarding relocating to San Francisco please send us an e-mail and we will do our best to answer your questions and help you with your relocation needs. Just send us your e-mail address and questions or what you would like our assistance with and someone in our office will contact you.