Hunter's Point Neighborhood (94124) (10j)
Hunters Point is the neighborhood south of Cesar Chavez, east of Third Street, Hudson, Igalis, Palou, and Fitch streets border with the Bay to the west and south. It is known as an area of San Francisco with one of the highest crime rates.
Hunters Point is a depressed area of the City that is scheduled to undergo urban redevelopment. It was a former naval reservation and shipyard at Hunters Point dating back to 1870. Navy and commercial vessels used the port until 1974. Loss of industry jobs, extensive toxic pollution, and racial segregation in the 1960s and 1970s resulted in urban decay. There have been various efforts and projects attempting to revitalize this neighborhood.
Restaurants, specialty food locations and local watering holes in Hunters Point include the following:
Speakeasy Ales & Lagers was founded in 1997 and provides small production of Big Daddy IPA and specialties that go back to the prohibition era aesthetics. They are only opened Friday thru Saturday from 4-9pm. It is located at1195 Evans Ave. between Middle Point Rd & Jennings St. (415) 642-3371. Reviews: Google, TripAdvisor, and Yelp.
Erikson School (3-12) is a private nonsectarian coed special education school located at 1325 Evans Ave between Mendell St and Keith St. Review: Greatschools.
Joshua Marie Cameron Academy (6-12) is a private coed school nonsectarian school that serves students who suffer from Specific Learning Disabilities and Emotional Disturbances. It is located at 3801 3rd St # 620 and Evans Ave. Reviews: Greatschools.
Malcolm X Academy (K-5) is a public elementary school located at 350 Harbor Rd between Bertha Ln & Ingalls St. SFUSD Info. Reviews: Google, Greatschools Rated 4 in 2012 and Yelp.
Hunters Point's Walk Score 61 in 2012
Additional Hunters Point Neighborhood and Blog Information from StreetAdvisor. Ranked 87th best Neighborhood in SF in 2012
Hunters Point NabeWise Archived Schools and Stats
Hunters Point San Francisco Demographic Neighborhood Statistical Information from the 2009 Census
Hunters Point is a depressed area of the City that is scheduled to undergo urban redevelopment. It was a former naval reservation and shipyard at Hunters Point dating back to 1870. Navy and commercial vessels used the port until 1974. Loss of industry jobs, extensive toxic pollution, and racial segregation in the 1960s and 1970s resulted in urban decay. There have been various efforts and projects attempting to revitalize this neighborhood.
Restaurants, specialty food locations and local watering holes in Hunters Point include the following:
Speakeasy Ales & Lagers was founded in 1997 and provides small production of Big Daddy IPA and specialties that go back to the prohibition era aesthetics. They are only opened Friday thru Saturday from 4-9pm. It is located at1195 Evans Ave. between Middle Point Rd & Jennings St. (415) 642-3371. Reviews: Google, TripAdvisor, and Yelp.
Erikson School (3-12) is a private nonsectarian coed special education school located at 1325 Evans Ave between Mendell St and Keith St. Review: Greatschools.
Joshua Marie Cameron Academy (6-12) is a private coed school nonsectarian school that serves students who suffer from Specific Learning Disabilities and Emotional Disturbances. It is located at 3801 3rd St # 620 and Evans Ave. Reviews: Greatschools.
Malcolm X Academy (K-5) is a public elementary school located at 350 Harbor Rd between Bertha Ln & Ingalls St. SFUSD Info. Reviews: Google, Greatschools Rated 4 in 2012 and Yelp.
Hunters Point's Walk Score 61 in 2012
Additional Hunters Point Neighborhood and Blog Information from StreetAdvisor. Ranked 87th best Neighborhood in SF in 2012
Hunters Point NabeWise Archived Schools and Stats
Hunters Point San Francisco Demographic Neighborhood Statistical Information from the 2009 Census