Silver Terrace Neighborhood (94124) (10g)
Silver Terrace is the roughly diamond shaped neighborhood located south of Oakdale and 280, north of Newhall, Reddy, Egbert and 101, it is east of 280 and 101 and west of Oakdale, Newhall and Reddy. This neighborhood is somewhat run down and a lot of the homes have metal gates and bars. Most of the homes are single family homes. This area has higher crime rates than other parts of San Francisco. It provides easy access to both 101 and 280 which make up its western border.
Thurgood Marshall (9-12) is located at 45 Conkling St. between Waterville St & Silver Ave. SFUSD Info. Reviews: Greatschools Rated 4 in 2012 and Yelp.
Silver Terrace's Walk Score 77 in 2012
Additional Silver Terrace Neighborhood and Blog Information from StreetAdvisor. Ranked 88th best SF Neighborhood in 2012
Silver Terrace NabeWise Schools and Stats
Silver Terrace San Francisco Demographic Neighborhood Statistical Information from the 2009 Census
Thurgood Marshall (9-12) is located at 45 Conkling St. between Waterville St & Silver Ave. SFUSD Info. Reviews: Greatschools Rated 4 in 2012 and Yelp.
Silver Terrace's Walk Score 77 in 2012
Additional Silver Terrace Neighborhood and Blog Information from StreetAdvisor. Ranked 88th best SF Neighborhood in 2012
Silver Terrace NabeWise Schools and Stats
Silver Terrace San Francisco Demographic Neighborhood Statistical Information from the 2009 Census