Little Hollywood Neighborhood (94134) (10n)
Little Hollywood is the triangular shaped neighborhood south of 101 and Bayshore, north of the San Francisco/Daly City border, east of Bayshore and west of 101. This neighborhood has a Caltrain stop and borders 101 providing easy access to the Peninsula. This neighborhood is only a few square blocks. It is a fairly sunny quiet residential neighborhood. It is also near the city dump.
Caltrain Station (Bayshore) is a Caltrain stop located at 400 Tunnel Ave near Recycle. Reviews: Yelp.
Little Hollywood Park has a play structure, grassy field and basketball court. It is located off of Lathrop and Tocoloma. Parkscan Info.
Little Hollywood's Walk Score 72 in 2012
Additional Little Hollywood part of the older Bayview Heights Neighborhood and Blog Information from StreetAdvisor. Ranked 85th best SF Neighborhood in 2012
Little Hollywood is considered part of Visitacion Valley by NabeWise Schools and Stats
Little Hollywood San Francisco Demographic Neighborhood Statistical Information from the 2009 Census
Caltrain Station (Bayshore) is a Caltrain stop located at 400 Tunnel Ave near Recycle. Reviews: Yelp.
Little Hollywood Park has a play structure, grassy field and basketball court. It is located off of Lathrop and Tocoloma. Parkscan Info.
Little Hollywood's Walk Score 72 in 2012
Additional Little Hollywood part of the older Bayview Heights Neighborhood and Blog Information from StreetAdvisor. Ranked 85th best SF Neighborhood in 2012
Little Hollywood is considered part of Visitacion Valley by NabeWise Schools and Stats
Little Hollywood San Francisco Demographic Neighborhood Statistical Information from the 2009 Census