Lakeside Neighborhood of San Francisco (94132) (3e)
The Lakeside Neighborhood is the neighborhood south of St. Francis Blvd and north of 19th Ave, east of 19th Ave and west of Junipero Sera. This neighborhood borders San Francisco State University to the west. This area gets foggy and 19th Ave is a busy street with generally a lot of traffic. There are a lot of small cute well kept homes near 19th Ave. This neighborhood is also close to the Stonestone Galleria which is a large mall containing many retail establishments.
San Francisco Public Library Merced Branch is located at 155 Winston Dr.
Mercy High School is a Catholic high school located at 3250 19th Ave at Wisconsin. Reviews Greatschools and Yelp.
Lakeside's Walk Score 77 in 2012
Additional LakesiJde Neighborhood and Blog Information from StreetAdvisor. Ranked 58th best Neighborhood in SF in 2012
Lakeside NabeWise Schools and Stats
Lakeside San Francisco Demographic Neighborhood Statistical Information from the 2009 Census
San Francisco Public Library Merced Branch is located at 155 Winston Dr.
Mercy High School is a Catholic high school located at 3250 19th Ave at Wisconsin. Reviews Greatschools and Yelp.
Lakeside's Walk Score 77 in 2012
Additional LakesiJde Neighborhood and Blog Information from StreetAdvisor. Ranked 58th best Neighborhood in SF in 2012
Lakeside NabeWise Schools and Stats
Lakeside San Francisco Demographic Neighborhood Statistical Information from the 2009 Census